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Leonard Ravenhill's Why Revival Tarries: A Prophetic Call to the Church for Repentance and Prayer

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If you are looking for a book that will challenge your faith and stir your soul, you might want to read Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill. This book is a classic on revival that has been in print for over six decades and has impacted millions of lives around the world. In this article, we will give you an overview of who Leonard Ravenhill was, what his book is about, and why it is still relevant today. We will also summarize each of the twenty chapters of the book and provide some key quotes and insights. Finally, we will answer some frequently asked questions about the book and how you can get a free PDF copy of it.

Why Revival Tarries Leonard Ravenhill Pdf Free 27


Why Revival Tarries is not a book for the faint-hearted or the casual reader. It is a book that will convict you of your sin, challenge you to repentance, and call you to prayer and action. It is a book that will expose the lukewarmness and compromise of the modern church and urge you to seek God's face for a fresh outpouring of His Spirit. It is a book that will remind you of the power and glory of God and inspire you to live a holy and passionate life for Him.

Who was Leonard Ravenhill?

Leonard Ravenhill was born in 1907 in Leeds, England. He was converted to Christ at an early age and trained for ministry at Cliff College. He became an evangelist and preacher who traveled extensively in Britain and abroad. He was known for his fiery and prophetic messages that called people to repentance and revival. He was influenced by men like John Wesley, Charles Finney, Evan Roberts, and Samuel Chadwick. He also had a close friendship with A.W. Tozer, who wrote the foreword to his book.

Ravenhill emigrated to the United States in midlife, where he continued his ministry. He and his wife Martha raised three sons. He wrote several books, including Sodom Had No Bible, Revival Praying, and America Is Too Young to Die. He also mentored many young preachers and leaders, such as David Wilkerson, Keith Green, and Steve Hill. He died in 1994 at the age of 87.

What is the main message of Why Revival Tarries?

The main message of Why Revival Tarries is that the church needs a revival of true biblical Christianity that will transform lives, communities, and nations. Ravenhill argues that the reason why revival tarries is because of the lack of prayer, holiness, and power in the church. He says that the church has become worldly, carnal, and complacent, and has lost its vision and zeal for God. He says that the church needs to return to the apostolic pattern of preaching, praying, and living in the power of the Holy Spirit. He says that the church needs to have a burden for souls and a passion for God's glory. He says that the church needs to have prophets who will speak God's truth without fear or compromise.

Why is this book relevant today?

This book is relevant today because the conditions of the church and the world have not changed much since Ravenhill wrote it. In fact, they have probably worsened. The church is still in need of revival, and the world is still in need of salvation. The church is still plagued by sin, compromise, and apathy, and the world is still filled with darkness, violence, and despair. The church is still lacking in prayer, holiness, and power, and the world is still resistant to the gospel. The church is still waiting for revival, and the world is still heading for judgment.

This book is relevant today because it speaks to the heart of every Christian who longs for more of God in their lives and in their churches. It speaks to those who are dissatisfied with the status quo and hungry for a fresh encounter with God. It speaks to those who are willing to pay the price of following Jesus and seeking His kingdom. It speaks to those who are ready to join God's army of revivalists who will shake the world with His love and power.

Chapter summaries

In this section, we will briefly summarize each of the twenty chapters of Why Revival Tarries and provide some key quotes and insights from them.

Chapter 1: With All Thy Getting, Get Unction

In this chapter, Ravenhill defines unction as "the anointing of the Holy Ghost upon the preacher" that gives him authority, power, and effectiveness in his ministry. He says that unction is essential for preaching that will convict sinners, convert souls, and edify saints. He says that unction cannot be learned or imitated, but only received from God through prayer and obedience. He says that unction is rare in modern preaching because most preachers are too busy, too lazy, or too proud to seek it from God.

Some key quotes from this chapter are:

  • "Unction is God's knighthood for the soldier-preacher who has wrestled in prayer and gained the victory."

  • "Unction makes a preacher a crusader rather than a critic."

  • "The tragedy of this late hour is that we have too many dead men in the pulpits giving out too many dead sermons to too many dead people."

Chapter 2: Prayer Grasps Eternity

In this chapter, Ravenhill emphasizes the importance of prayer as the primary means of obtaining unction and revival. He says that prayer is not only a duty but a privilege and a joy for every believer. He says that prayer is not only a request but a relationship with God. He says that prayer is not only a preparation but a participation in God's work. He says that prayer is not only a weapon but a warfare against the powers of darkness.

Some key quotes from this chapter are:

  • "No man is greater than his prayer life."

  • "Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work."

  • "The secret of praying is praying in secret."

Chapter 3: A Call for Unction in the Pulpit, Action in the Pew!

In this chapter, Ravenhill challenges both preachers and laypeople to rise up to their responsibilities in God's kingdom. He says that preachers need to preach with unction, conviction, and compassion, not with eloquence, entertainment, or compromise. He says that laypeople need to support their preachers with prayer, obedience, and service, not with criticism, indifference, or selfishness 71b2f0854b


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